Kids Help Phone’s e-mental health services are available 24/7 across Canada. This means that we’re here for kids, teens and young adults from coast to coast to coast.
My Parents Live Apart is a website designed for children and youth with information about separation, divorce, and other family law issues.
The site includes much more detail on family law topics, including:
Separation is when two people living together decide that they shouldn’t live together anymore. Usually, one person will move out of the home.
Divorce is when two people who were married decide that they do not want to be married anymore.
The decision to separate or get a divorce is an adult decision made by your parents or guardians. It is not your fault. Your parents may be separating or divorcing, but that doesn’t mean they are divorcing you. Your parents are your parents forever.
You are not alone. Lots of kids go through the same thing you are going through now. They got through it, and you can too.